Design Creations Photo Gallery

Projects, products and stuff DC has created.

A little something I'm working on while I wait for the rest of the fuel trailer parts to print for the Kenworth.

I have to fine tune and weather the Loader. Base coat is on the Crane. Just need to reprint the boom and do the detail work.

The rest of the pictures is the planned layout for the full print.
  • IMG 2471IMG 2471
  • IMG 2669IMG 2669
  • Loader WalkerLoader Walker
  • Screenshot 2023-02-16 140022Screenshot 2023-02-16 140022
  • Screenshot 2023-02-16 140052Screenshot 2023-02-16 140052
  • Screenshot 2023-02-16 135952Screenshot 2023-02-16 135952
  • Wlaker Crane 1Wlaker Crane 1
  • Wlaker Crane 2Wlaker Crane 2
  • Walker Mechs 1Walker Mechs 1
  • Walker Mechs 2Walker Mechs 2
  • Walker Mechs 3Walker Mechs 3